Unanswered Questions: What is The Fate of A Nigerian Student with the Present Inflation Rates?

Shortly after the removal of fuel subsidy, which led to a rise in the price of petrol, not only were the lives of working-class citizens disrupted, but the situation also had a profound impact on students who rely on transportation to attend school. The government’s announcement that it could no longer fund education exacerbated the difficulties, as most students depended on their parents for financial support. Meanwhile, parents struggled to provide for daily necessities. How can such parents manage to gather funds for their children, especially when the minimum wage remains stagnant while the prices of commodities continue to rise? It’s akin to standing before a dry cistern, hoping for water to fill up, miraculously. Unfortunately, such a scenario is impossible.
Have you considered how many parents are contemplating withdrawing their children from schools due to the recent hike in school fees? Although it is not yet a widespread phenomenon, it’s bound to become more noticeable soon. The potential mass exodus of students from schools is alarming. This comes at a time when Nigerians are yearning for a better life but are instead faced with a blitzkrieg of policies, though some may conventionally sound good.
The education sector’s appalling condition raises pertinent questions: Are the recent increases in school fees justifiable? Will there be improvements in classrooms and learning conditions, or will things remain stagnant? Are the new fees a form of extortion, or do they genuinely reflect the services described on paper? Does this signify that the common man can no longer afford to educate his child? Is education becoming a privilege reserved for the affluent? And what about students who support themselves and view education as their sole escape from these hardships?
Both students and parents are apprehensive about the uncertain future, caught between deciding to leave school for vocational training and bearing the burden of paying exorbitant fees for a degree as people are wary of acquiring student loans when it will be obtainable due to the unpredictable consequences that might emanate in the future.
Considering the current scarcity of job opportunities in Nigeria, the future appears grim for the average Nigerian student. Amidst the harsh realities and the shadow of uncertainty that looms, it’s safe to say, sadly, that Nigerian students find themselves in the valley of despair.
Izuchukwu OLEJEME