
UI’SRC Approves 10th Assembly Valedictory Budget, Union Phone

On Saturday, 22nd of June 2024, the University of Ibadan Students’ Representative Council, in her first ordinary meeting for the session held at the UI’SRC chambers, approved the report of her Financial Committee and passed a sum of N44,625 for the valedictory budget of the 10th assembly. 

Recall that an initial budget of N152,250 had been prepared by the 10th Assembly as her valedictory budget but citing the lack of funds in the union coffers, work was unable to be carried out. A general resolution of the house was reached to forward the budget to the 11th assembly for approval. 

Also, the union budget from December of 2023 to May 2024 for the previous administration is still being reviewed by the House’s Financial Committee having not been passed by the previous assembly. As the Financial Committee chairman, Hon Wareez Olosho, noted, “While this budget has been approved, the union’s budget is still being worked on as there is lot of scrutiny to be done“. 

Additionally, on the floor of the house, after hearing the case put forth by the Union’s PRO and having secured sponsorship to that effect, the house approved for a sum of N160,000 to be withdrawn from the union’s account for the purchase of a mobile phone for the union. The specified phone by Mr PRO is a Redmi 13c. 

Emmanuel Utibe

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