Opinion Poll: Reflecting on The UIMSA 2023 Elections

Campaign fliers, propaganda, manifestos, debates, alliances, slander, division, apathy, disappointments, and the rest of it.
Each election season brings its own unique set of peculiarities, trends, energy, and thrill. The Uimsa 2023 Elections proved to be especially distinct compared to previous elections, defying standard expectations. Now that it has concluded, UIMSA Press correspondents have embarked on a retrospective journey, seeking to understand UIMSAites’ perspectives on the events that unfolded throughout the campaign period and the election itself.
Bruno Ehirim, a member of the outgoing class wishes to see more positions contested by multiple contestants in elections to come. Here is the interview conducted with him.
Did you find the voting process to be efficient and well-organized by the Electoral Commission?
BE: Oh yes I did. it was almost seamless and results were out faster than the last tenure.
On a scale of 1-10, how confident are you in the integrity of the election process?
BE: For the main voting process, I’d give it a 9/10
That’s impressive. Did you encounter any difficulty while verifying your voting status?
BE: Yeah, I forgot my password but that was quickly resolved.
Did you encounter any difficulty while voting?
BE: No difficulty at all.
What are your thoughts on the presidential candidates and what factors influenced your decision?
BE: I think that both candidates had impressive records of their work within and without UIMSA and based their campaigns on that- their capability. I had more first-hand experience of one aspirant’s accomplishments and naturally tilted towards him.
Did you attend the Press night? What do you have to say about it?
BE: I did not attend the press night.
It was purported that the supporters of one of the presidential candidates bullied the opponent’s supporter at the manifesto night. What do you have to say about it?
BE: I’m not aware of any bullying. However, I believe some malicious comments and personal grievances were stirred up and this did not go down well with other members of the audience.
What do you think about the Election Poll the Uimsa Press sent out prior to election day?
BE: I think the poll was an interesting but premature development and thus in this election, an unwise decision. Obviously, it needs a few tweaks due to the technical defects e.g. possibility of multiple voting.
Also if it could analyze who would likely win head-to-head per class. There’s no real purpose other than “who can get more people to vote before the poll expires”. But It’s a good one because it could keep the aspirants on their toes.
On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with the overall conduct of the election?
BE: I’d say a 7.5
Did you notice apathy in this UIMSA election and if yes, what do you have to say about it ?
BE: The apathy was glaring. I think that UIMSAites who have no personal connection to the election and/or the aspirants felt no need to participate. Of all the seats contested, only that of the president ran opposed. Also, about five positions were left vacant inferring that perhaps there is a feeling of much effort and low reward from Uimsa politics.
Did your constituency meet the quota for the congressmen? If not why do you think this happened?
BE: I’m in the final year class. my constituency was not eligible for such.
What will you love to see done in the next elections?
BE: I would love to see more positions contested by multiple aspirants but I may just be a man dreaming. And perhaps less bile in the campaigns…bridges do not necessarily have to be burnt in the process.
To get diverse opinions on the election, the UIMSA Press reached out to Chidinma Nwuta, a member of the 2K24 class. The 2K24 class has been known for having the highest voter turnout in the past two elections. Read on for the interview with her.
Did you find the voting process to be efficient and well-organized by the Electoral Commission?
CN: Yes, I did
On a scale of 1-10, how confident are you in the integrity of the election process?
CN: 9
That’s impressive. Did you encounter any difficulty while verifying your voting status?
CN: The only time I did was when the website was down. Other than that the entire process was smooth
Did you suspend it at that time or you kept refreshing the site?
CN: Once I was able to access the site not long at all.
What are your thoughts on the presidential candidates and what factors influenced your decision?
CN: My decision was convinced based on the new plans my candidate had and the feasibility
What unique quality do you think your candidate has which made you strongly believe he/she is capable?
CN: My candidate was really passionate about the problems UIMSAites faced and came up as a UIMSAite that has experienced these problems not just from the organization but also from the college
Did you think the aspirants conducted their campaigns in a respectful manner?
CN: Yes, they did. Their supporters, however, took things too personal
Can you kindly cite an instance?
There were several altercations in my class between the two parties.
Verifying the claims made by both candidates. These were however not civil.
Did you attend the Press night? What do you have to say about it?
CN: Yes I did. The press night was well organized. Although the candidates didn’t answer the questions to my satisfaction, it was worth it.
Did you notice apathy in this UIMSA election and if yes, what do you have to say about t?
CN: Yes there was
The morning of the election some of my friends and I had to stop UIMSAites we saw to vote because they kept saying “later” or “whoever wins, wins”
What do you think are the likely reasons people did not want to vote?
CN: I really can’t say
Did your constituency meet the quota for the congressmen? If not why do you think this happened?
CN: My constituency produced 6 congresspeople. People don’t want the UIMSA politics stress I guess?
I don’t think the congress is stressful compared to being a senator, I feel there should be more to this.
CN: Some people see them as the same, I don’t know why though
On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with the overall conduct of the election?
CN: 8
What would you have loved to see done in the next elections?
CN: manifesto night be able to be watched live like press night. The benefits of being in positions be made known to people to ginger them to apply for posts.
Michael Paul, a member of the 300-level class believes that more physical campaigns are needed in UIMSA elections.
Did you find the voting process to be efficient and well-organized by the Electoral Commission?
Michael Paul: Yes
On a scale of 1-10, how confident are you in the integrity of the election process?
Did you encounter any difficulty while verifying your voting status?
MP: Yes. There was a problem with the landing page
Did you encounter any difficulty while trying to vote?
MP: No
Did you attend the Press night? What do you have to say about it?
MP: No. From my findings, and the part of the IG live I watched, it was satisfactory. It was well organized & each candidate was given ample time to pitch/sell their ideas. The initiative of an IG live was great because it gave those who did not physically attend, the opportunity to participate.
What do you think about the presidential aspirants and what fact convinced you of your decision?
MP: Their manifestos, online campaigns & results from the press night.
Do you think the aspirants conducted their campaign in a respectful manner?
MP: Yes
It was purported that the supporters of one of the presidential candidates bullied the opponent’s supporters. What do you have to say about it?
MP: I think the incidence was more down to personal grievances the perpetrator(s) held against the SUPPORTER than disagreements over the choice of candidates/policy. They (he) probably had a grudge against the victim (her) and thought she was acting out of spite so they reacted negatively.
What are your thoughts on the Election Poll the Uimsa Press sent out prior to election day?
MP: I thought nothing of it initially, but now that you asked. I think to a VERY LITTLE (and maybe inconsequential) extent, the results of the poll can influence the choice of others in the elections. Take this hypothetical: if I didn’t participate in the poll and I was undecided on who to vote for (probably because the candidates for a post were highly capable), I might be inclined to vote for the winner of the poll.
Did your constituency meet the quota for senators and congressmen? If not why do you think this happened?
MP: No. There were rumors that some candidates got the CV they wanted so did not bother re-contesting. Also, the demanding nature of Med-school caused some people to lose interest.
Did you notice apathy in this UIMSA election and if yes, can you tell us about it?
MP: Yes. It was less publicized, with less enthusiasm from supporters, and lower levels of participation.
On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with the overall conduct of the election?
MP: 8
What will you love to see done better in the next elections?
MP: Allow campaigns to begin earlier. Also, more physical campaigns.
Miss Amarachi Nwaigwe, a member of the class now presiding over Uimsa affairs says she was disappointed with the turn of events at the manifesto night and hopes the process gets better.
Did you find the voting process to be efficient and well-organized by the Electoral Commission?
AN: To the best of my knowledge, I think it was. But there’s always room for improvement.
On a scale of 1-10, how confident are you in the integrity of the election process?
AN: 7.5
Did you encounter any difficulty while verifying your voting status?
AN: Not at all
Did you encounter any difficulty while trying to vote?
AN: Not at all
Did you attend the Press night? What do you have to say about it?
AN: I didn’t attend the Press night.
What are your thoughts on the presidential candidates and what factors influenced your decision?
AN: Both aspirants were worthy in their own ways as I’d encountered both on different grounds. However, my decision was clear from the onset, because I was beyond convinced that my candidate was the best person for the job, judging from an impeccable track record, leadership qualities, innovative ideas, open mind, and team spirit.
Do you think the aspirants conducted their campaign in a respectful manner?
AN: The aspirants, maybe. It started out well but didn’t continue as so.
It was purported that the supporters of one of the presidential candidates bullied the opponent’s supporters during the manifesto night. What do you have to say about it?
AN: I was not bullied and can say for myself that I did not bully anyone. So also for most of my co-supporters. Everyone is entitled to their opinions really, but from what I saw in this election, all I can say is that there was a lot of character defamation that was uncalled for. Some turn of events didn’t sit well with me at all, I was disappointed at the very least. I hope things get better going forward.
Did your constituency meet the quota for senators and congressmen? If not, why do you think this happened?
AN: My constituency did not, both for senators and congressmen. I have no reason for that actually.
Did you notice apathy in this UIMSA election and if yes, can you tell us about that?
AN: I believe there was more heat in the last election than this though. So yes, I’d say there was apathy, both in the lack of people vying for positions, and people being interested in the elections generally. There are still vacant positions in the Executive body.
On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with the overall conduct of the election?
AN: 8
Miss Olamide Jayeoba, who was recently co-opted as the Vice President of the Association, notes that there was a significant decrease in the number of aspirants for the offices of the executive council. Here is what she has to say about the elections:
Did you find the voting process to be efficient and well-organized by the Electoral Commission?
Olamide: Yes, I did.
On a scale of 1-10, how confident are you in the integrity of the election process?
Olamide 10
Wow. A perfect mark. That’s interesting. Did you encounter any difficulty while verifying your voting status?
Olamide: No, I did not
Did you encounter any difficulty while trying to vote?
Olamide: No, I didn’t
What are your thoughts on the presidential candidates and what factors influenced your decision?
Olamide: they’re both quite capable. My decision was influenced by experience and history.
What quality does your candidate possess that made you think he/she would deliver well?
Olamide Her experience. Her relationship with people that matter in College.
Do you think the aspirants conducted their campaigns in a respectful manner?
Olamide Yes
Did you attend the Press night? What do you have to say about it?
Olamide: Yes I did briefly. I can’t really say much as I wasn’t there for long.
Did you observe anything during the little time you spent there?
Olamide: Well, I think it was well conducted overall
This is impressive
Did you notice apathy in this UIMSA election and if yes, what do you have to say about it ?
Olamide: Yes. There was a significant reduction in the number of aspirants for offices.
Please can you give reasons for this and suggest a solution?
Olamide: I can’t exactly give reasons
On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with the overall conduct of the election?
Olamide: 9
Mr. Akinniyi Toyyib Babatunde, the former majority leader for the 100-level constituency had a lot to say Toyyib Babatundeout the elections. Read on for his detailed opinion on the elections.
Did you find the voting process to be efficient and well-organized by the Electoral Commission?
ATB: Yes. I would like to appreciate the commission for their efforts in organizing the fair and transparent UIMSA elections.
On a scale of 1-10, how confident are you in the integrity of the election process?
ATB: I would give it a solid 8. The Electoral Commission demonstrated a strong commitment to transparency and fairness throughout the entire process. However, as with any complex endeavor, there is always room for improvement, and I believe that ongoing efforts to enhance voter education and ensure accountability can further strengthen the integrity of future elections.
This is impressive. I believe the electoral body will also keep improving.
Did you encounter any difficulty while verifying your voting status?
ATB: No. The process was smooth and hassle-free for me.
Did you attend the Press night? What do you have to say about it?
Akinniyi Toyyib Babatunde: Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the event physically. However, I actively followed the program virtually.
I must say that the UIMSA press team did an outstanding job in creating a virtual channel for the event. The effort put into ensuring a seamless virtual experience deserves appreciation, and it allowed me to stay connected with the event and its discussions.
Regarding the judgment criteria for the two presidential aspirants, I believe that the UIMSA press team, being intimately involved in the process, have the knowledge and expertise to evaluate the candidates effectively. However, like any endeavor, there is always room for improvement. I believe that with their expertise and dedication, the UIMSA press team can continue to enhance their evaluation process and provide even more comprehensive assessments.
On a scale of 1-10, how confident are you in the integrity of the election process?
ATB: On a scale of 1-10, I would rate the overall conduct of the concluded election as a 9.
Did you notice apathy in this UIMSA election and if yes, what do you have to say about it?
ATB: Yes, I did notice some level of apathy in the recent UIMSA election.
It’s important to note that apathy is not uncommon in any election, including student elections. Various factors could contribute to this apathy, such as a lack of awareness about the importance of participating in the election, disinterest in the candidates or the election process, or even a perception that their vote may not make a significant difference.
Did your constituency meet the quota for the congressmen? If not, why do you think this happened?
There were only six candidates for the Congress positions while twelve candidates were vying for the post of senator.
This could be due to perceived importance where students think the class senator position is more influential than the congress position. Also, some students think being in Congress is time demanding.
Hence, here are some suggestions.
- The Association needs to actively promote the importance and benefits of re-contesting for Congress. Individuals who aspire to pursue senatorial posts can be encouraged to initially contribute and gain experience at the Congress level.
- Conduct orientation sessions focused on the Congress positions, explaining the purpose, duties, and potential achievements associated with these roles.
- Utilize various communication channels to share success stories of previous Congress members and highlight their contributions.
- Collaborate with current Congress representatives to organize interactive sessions where students can ask questions and gain a better understanding of the practical aspects of the position, foster mentorship programs, increasing awareness and understanding about the Congress positions and the benefits.
Thanks a lot for those suggestions sir
What are your thoughts on the presidential candidates and what factors influenced your decision?
ATB: Both candidates possess commendable qualities and achievements. However, after careful consideration, I was inclined to support Miss Odeleke Omotola.
Do you think the aspirants conducted their campaigns in a respectful manner?
ATB: Yes. They maintained a level of professionalism and focused on the issues at hand rather than resorting to personal attacks or derogatory language. They engaged in healthy debates, respected opposing viewpoints, and treated their fellow aspirants and the public with courtesy.
What will you love to see done better in the next election?
ATB: Increased Transparency: – Providing clear guidelines and procedures for campaigning and voting would help build trust among students .
- Strengthened Voter Engagement: Efforts should be made to raise awareness about the importance of voting. Promoting voter education, conducting information sessions, and encouraging students to ask questions of the candidates.
- Diverse Representation: Encouraging students to participate and run for office and also mentor potential candidates in underrepresented classes will go a long way.
- Evaluation of Election Procedures: This includes gathering feedback from candidates, voters, and election organizers, and implementing changes accordingly.
Throughout this article, we have collected the opinions of UIMSAites regarding the recent election, aiming to acknowledge both its successes and shortcomings. As we find ourselves ushered into a new era, both within Uimsa and in Nigeria as a whole, it is crucial to reflect on the outcomes and aftermath of this election. Remember, “Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world,” as Roald Dahl wisely said. Let us keep in mind that a brighter future for UIMSA, and indeed our country, starts with each and every one of us. Your active participation, through making informed decisions, voting, and standing against political apathy in UIMSA, will pave the way for a transformative turning point towards a better UIMSA. Together, we can create a UIMSA where every voice is heard, and every vote counts.
Vanessa Osaretin
Victoria Elegbede