Monitoring Committees, Hotlines, Other Resolutions from UI’ SU Stakeholders Meeting

Following the meeting held by relevant student stakeholders on price regulation on campus, on Sunday, 24th November, 2024, at the Kunle Adepeju Building, resolutions such as the formation of a central price regulation committee, monitoring committees, and pasting of hotlines for concerned students to reach out, have been arrived at.
These resolutions were the product of deliberations among various student leaders including; the UI’ SUEC, Faculty Presidents, Hall Chairpersons, members of the UI’ SRC Committee on Welfare, and others present at the meeting.
The meeting, chaired by the House Secretary, Elemide Daniel, featured status quo reports of students’ experiences when getting commodities from respective vendors. Several concerns were raised, including the addition of exorbitant transfer charges, sales of same items to different buyers at different prices in the same time frame, attitudes of the vendors, amongst others.
Below is a list of resolutions arrived at:
- The Student Union is to meet with respective hall management.
- Formation of a central SU Price Regulation committee and also committees in various halls.
- Release of guidelines for all vendors and cafeterias regarding pricing.
- Pasting help-hotlines at shops which buyers can contact instantly, should they experience any inconveniences from vendors.
- Setting up monitoring committees to monitor the sale of staple goods, hygiene practices of cafeterias and expiry dates of common eatables.
Sidiq Moshood