

Whenever Benita came to class,

She caught the attention of anyone with eyes,

The air stilled anytime she passed,

Oh, she was a damsel from ground to sky.

Tall and buxom, she swayed her hips with Grace,

Confidently grinning on any whose face met her gaze.

And always, she was quietly arrayed,

And always, she was logical when she talked.

Driving home her point with words that could walk.

Yet her lips pursed stoically when she said,

“I’m sorry” and they glittered with the shine of gloss.

And she was smart yes, smarter than most,

And cunning with the use of a pen.

Every week at our results post,

She looked carelessly,

As if she no send.

Dressed in her glistening lab coat,

Knee-deep in thought,

Big red scars concealed,

now shone with haut.

Unconcerned, the class, hurried along.

Racing each other to the new scoreboard

So on they talked and waited for none,

And went without water and food at best

And Benita, once home, and safe in her nest,

Threw herself from the roof like a pest at night.


If you’re going through tough times, please do not be afraid to open up to your friends and loved ones. For more professional help, please contact the COMUI helpline +234 802 7782 3727. Remember, everyone is there for you. All you need is to reach out.

Okei Faith.

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