UIMSAite Wins Best Oral Abstract at MedEd Africa 2025

The University of Global Health Equity (UGHE) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Rwanda organised the Advancing Medical Education in Africa Conference (MedEd Africa 2025) on the 24th and 25th of March 2025, at the Kigali Convention Centre, Rwanda.
The conference gathered over 120 medical professionals, students, and leaders from about 30 countries to discuss steps for improving medical education across various schools in Africa. The event featured plenary sessions, simulation demonstrations, and paper and oral abstract presentations. Present at the conference were 5 UIMSAites (Abigial Oyedokun, Adeniyi Adesola, Feziechi Anele, Michael Anayo and Oluwawapelumi Akin-Ajani) and 2 COMUI faculty (Prof T.A. Lawal and Prof E.O. Olapade-Olaopa).
Day 1 began with a plenary session chaired by Dr Elsie Kiguli-Malwadde, Deputy Executive Director, of the African Center for Global Health and Social Transformation. The plenary session focused on embracing technology and innovation in medical education in Africa. Thereafter, there was an Opening Ceremony with speeches from the chair of the conference, the World Health Organisation (WHO) African Regional Director, the African Director of the Gates Foundation, the Rwandan Minister of Health and the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Global Health Equity, Prof. Philip Cotton.
Afterwards, a short tea break and poster presentation occurred, where Feziechi Anele and Michael Anayo presented their abstracts on the topics “Building a research culture among Nigerian medical students: the modus operandi of the College Research and Innovation Hub” and “Bridging the Telehealth Gap in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from COVID-19 and Implications for Medical Education” respectively.
Next, the first set of breakout sessions was held, which featured various oral abstract presentations. Breakout sessions were divided into three themes; current trends in medical education, shaping medical education with a global health lens and embracing challenges/opportunities in 21st century medical education. During this breakout session, Abigail Oyedokun presented on “Exploring the emigration intentions of Nigerian Medical and Nursing students: Destinations, Driving factors, and implications.”, while Adeniyi Adesola presented on “Students’ and Faculty’s Perception of Student Engagement in Medical Education in Nigeria”.
Lunch was quickly followed by two simulation demonstrations and a plenary session with two panels discussing simulation centre/faculty development and low-cost/high-impact applications of simulation respectively. After another tea break, the second breakout sessions began with panel discussions on the role of leadership in medical education, hot topics in medical education and liberal arts/humanities in medical education. The day ended with a cocktail/cultural display event.
Day 2 began with a plenary session chaired by the conference organizing committee chair, Prof. Abebe Bekele. The panel featured Prof. Ricardo Leon Bórquez (President, World Federation of Medical Education), Prof E. O. Olapade-Olaopa (President, Association of Medical Schools in Africa (AMSA)), Dr Elsie Kiguli-Malwadde (Past President, AFREHealth Uganda) and Prof Abraham Haileamlak Mitike (Principal, COMHS University of Rwanda). The panel discussed the history of medical schools in Africa and the lessons to be learnt ahead of the new consortium created later in the day.
Thereafter, breakout panel sessions were held discussing medical education innovations during crises/disasters, the role of African diaspora on the future of medical education in Africa and AI in medical education. After a tea break, a plenary session hosted by the faculty of UGHE discussed embracing social medicine in medical education. Next was a closed session for deans and medical faculty where the first general meeting of the Consortium of Medical Schools held. Concurrently was a poster presentation, where the Nigerian Medical Students’ Association (NiMSA) President, Ahmadu Sardauna, presented his abstract.
After lunch were breakout oral abstract presentations and a plenary session on aligning medical education, government policies and funding for sustainable healthcare workforce development in Africa. This panel session was led by Prof. Phil Cotton (Vice-Chancellor, UGHE) and had dignitaries such as Dr Jacqueline Kitulu (President-Elect, World Medical Association) and Prof Joel Okulio (President, Association of Medical Councils of Africa (AMCOA)).
The day rounded up with a closing ceremony which started with the Inauguration of the Consortium of Medical Schools – Africa (CMS-A) with Prof Lionel Green Thompson elected as its first president. He gave a speech on the need for a collective effort to advance medical education in Africa. The closing ceremony then proceeded to the signing of the first constitution by the elected executives and then the special awards for the conference. The Best Oral Abstract (Student Category) award was presented to Abigail Oyedokun. The other awards are as follows: Best Oral Abstract (Non-Student Category) – Mulki Mukhtar Hassan, Best Poster Abstract (Student Category) – Rudo Masendeke, Best Poster Abstract (Non-Student Category) – Dr Glenda Cox.
The closing ceremony then progressed to a vote of thanks from the Board Chair, UGHE and the Chair of the conference organizing committee. Finally, there were two closing remarks. The first was from Prof Senait Fisseha, Vice-President, Global Programs, The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation and the second was from the Honourable Minister of State, Ministry of Health, Rwanda – Dr. Yvan Butera.
Oluwawapelumi Akin-Ajani