
MBBS Defeats Law By 2 Goals to Nil

MBBS defeated Law by two goals to nil in a friendly encounter at the SUB Pitch on Friday, the 29th of September, 2023.

Both goals came in the 27th and 29th minute of the second half respectively, courtesy of a clean strike by midfielder, Teslim, and a rebound by left-winger, Carbon. A third goal was scored in the final seconds of the game but was eventually ruled out due to a foul in the match build-up.

The game, which was initially scheduled for 3pm, started behind schedule. This led to it being shortened to a thirty-five minute match.

Speaking with the UIMSA Press, Coach Mark Obeya, had this to say, “We won. However, that wasn’t the aim of the match itself. I wanted to try out a few things before we begin on Monday, and thankfully, I got what I needed.”

UIMSA begins her title charge next week with a match against Adult Education on Monday, 2nd of October, 2023.

John Eriomala

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