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Weaving Your Safety Net: ACNUI Preclinical Summit

The Asido Campus Network UI organized a preclinical summit for the 200L and 300L medical and dental students on Saturday, 12th February, 2022 tagged “Weave Your Safety Net.” The event was targeted at the following topics : getting a distinction; dealing with mental stress; taking MB I again.

The facilitators were medical students with wide range of experience in the scope covered by the summit. Inioluwa John and Oluwaferanmi Alufa—400L MBBS and BDS students respectively—had distinctions in their MB1 examination. Oluwanifemi Adetona, Faith Oluwadamilare and Joy Babayemi, 600L MBBS students, were also facilitators, contributing from their wealth of knowledge on how to navigate medical school, balancing it with leadership, volunteering and other interests.

Planned for fifty preclinical students, it was an exclusive event held at SCR, Tedder Hall. It started some minutes past 10am with the participants divided into 4 groups. Each group had about a dozen persons with a facilitator. The facilitators in each group talked about medical school, shared tips on how to excel in MB I and emphasized the need for consistency in seemingly ordinary situations, driving their points with relatable experiences.

At the end of the first session, there was a change of speakers: Nifemi Adetona swapped with Inioluwa John; similarly Feranmi Alufa and Faith Oluwadamilare swapped. That way, the participants had the opportunity to glean from the speakers as much as they could. After the first two sessions, the vice president of ACNUI, Tawakalt Olaoluwa, coordinated a games session in which each group had to present a representative. It was fun and engaging, and it ended in a tie.

The next phase of the event—taking MB1 again—was facilitated by Joy Babayemi. As he had been in the situation of repeating the professional examination, it was easier for him to pass across his message to the participants. Over all, it was a very enlightening and timely event that greatly profited all the participants.

Prosper Igbozurike

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