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Enjoy Your Life: An Advice to First-Year Medical Students

“Nothing good in life comes easy” is a statement that has been touted too many times by many people, even you. This statement may relate to you in various ways, like how hard it is to make money or how difficult it is to complete that online course or the one that will relate to most of the readers of this column, the difficulty of tertiary education. For a lot of students, while they may be very interested in the course of choice, the process of earning the degree becomes quite rigorous. The rigour can lead to certain levels of disinterestedness at different stages of pursuing the degree. If a quick poll is held today, the results will show that they are not alone in this. The poll will also inform them that the first year of studying any course is usually the easiest. This holds for many courses but does the same relate to Medicine education?

Medical education is known worldwide for being rigorous and intensive, where you are expected to learn a tremendous amount in a short amount of time. In Nigeria, medical school starts in the second year, with the first year spent reviewing basic science concepts from high school, but at a more advanced level. Medical students typically perform well in their first year, some even earning perfect CGPAs. This is not surprising, as medical students are arguably the brightest minds in the country. The story usually changes during the second year, when medical students are exposed to entirely new concepts and (in the words of one of my professors) “diligence” becomes more important than “brilliance”. Seniors in medical school often advise first-year students to “enjoy their lives”, as things only get more difficult. After some weeks in the pre-clinicals, I couldn’t resist giving the same advice to the new first-year medical students.

Embracing the advice “enjoy your life” however, doesn’t mean neglecting your studies and risking academic failure. You still need a good CGPA to cross over to pre-clinicals and it might even be advantageous to strive for a perfect one if you want to get a scholarship. Instead, “enjoy your life” means to make good use of the free time you have in your first year. It could involve engaging in more social activities, engaging in extracurriculars that can build your CV or maybe even developing some skills that can be financially beneficial in the future. The goal is to not get burnt out with too much studying and schoolwork because the workload intensifies in subsequent years. Without a long talk, here are some reasons why you should enjoy your first year as drawn from the experiences of a second-year medical student.

“Life, sadly, doesn’t get easier” is another statement that has been repeated to us much too often than we’d care to recount. This statement specifically applies to our pursuits of the “Dr.” title. It doesn’t get easier, but we get tougher and we find ways to stay afloat. Sometimes I wish I could go back and attend that party I chose to skip because I was busy solving Asiri questions on reaction kinetics or perhaps the Jaw War session I missed because I was trying to solve all the Kirchoff’s law problems in College Physics. Finally, while the degree is why we are here, it is important to live a little (or more than a little) too. To every first-year medical student reading this, learn from my experience and be sure to ENJOY YOUR LIFE.

Daniel Akinola AKINTAYO

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